Market Place - Hangable Decoration

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Item: Image: Count: Tokens:
Ferumbras painting: Hangable decoration. img 1x 3,393
Arraival at Thais painting: Hangable decoration. img 1x 3,393
Dungeon scene painting: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Golden dragon tapestry: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Menacing tapestry: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Pirate flag: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Pirate treasure map: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Sword tapestry: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Tibia street painting: Hangable decoration. img 1x 3,393
Orc Mirror: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697
Snow tapestry: Hangable decoration. img 1x 1,697